Saturday, October 11, 2008

Music is international language

Music is international language because it appeals to people's emotions, sence of identity, and many other feelings, composing sounds into a melody, just like letters make up words.
While listening to music, people can be happy or sad, be romantic or heroic, and they don't need to understand any words.
When musicians from many different countries sit in an orchestra and play wonderful music, they don't think about politic positions of their countries, they just enjoy playing instruments and making music together. We should learn diplomacy from them.
Like all languages, music has an alphabet. It is notes. But if all languages have different amount of letters in their alphabet, there are always only seven notes and they sound alike to musicians all aver the world.
So, in my opinion, music is the language understandable for everyone. It unites people of different interests, nationalities, and generations, making them say, do, and promote the right things.